Stanozolol (Winstrol)

Hilma Biocare


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Buy Winstrol online USA. Winstrol (Stanozolol) is a fairly popular drug in a sports world. For a long time after its appearance in pharmacology it was used as a means of increasing running performance for horses at races. After some period it was used for medicinal and therapeutic purposes and then it became widely known among athletes.

Due to the low level of hormonal activity (androgenic activity isĀ  30% of testosterone, and anabolic activity is 320%), Winstrol is considered one of the mildest steroids. At the same time, its ability to aromatize is small and its effect on the liver is negligible at moderate dosages.

Stanozolol works for about 8 hours. The use of this drug is strongly discouraged for athletes who take part in competitions, as the latest doping tests reveal its use within a year after the last dose.

Winstrol Effects

  • A significant increase in muscle mass, which makes it possible to build high-quality muscles in a relatively short period of time.
  • Improvements in strength and overall stamina.
  • Reducing body fat.
  • Removal of excess fluid from the body.
  • Improved appetite.
  • The strongest decrease in the level of globulin, an increase in sex hormones.
  • A pronounced antiestrogenic and antiprogestagenic effect is often observed.

Winstrol is most commonly used by bodybuilders in the “drying” or cutting cycles to reduce body fat and muscle mass. It is also often used to prepare for competitions, allowing you to form beautiful and eye-pleasing muscles. Winstrol is very common among athletes. According to statistics, at the moment this steroid is the most popular drug in sports pharmacology.

Winstrol usage

The course of this steroid is indicated for use by athletes who would like to improve their strength and endurance without a significant increase in muscle mass. The most effective it is considered to be in persons with a low percentage of body fat and with an average weight.

The stable daily dosage is 30 milligrams, which should be divided into three doses per day. It is strongly not recommended to exceed this dose, since drug abuse can lead to liver failure. The steroid is usually used by men, so for women the dosage will be slightly lower – 5-10 milligrams per day, with good tolerance, a slight increase in the dose is possible. The duration of Stanozolol cycle should not be longer than 8 weeks. After the end of the cycle, it is advisable to undergo a PCT.

Winstrol can be used in combination with other drugs, moreover, this drug is rarely taken solo. The steroid interacts well with androgenic medications such as Methandrostenolone. In combination, stanozolol creates an excellent balance and significantly reduces the risk of side effects in the body.

Side effects

The drug does not cause an estrogenic effect, which means it does not increase the level of female hormones in the male body and does not lead to gynecomastia. When taking Winstrol, the risk of puffiness is significantly reduced. The most common negative reaction of the body after ingestion is damage to ligaments, tendons and joints. However, given the “drying” effect that the drug has, Testosterone is usually prescribed in the complex for the prevention of injuries.

Side effects can also manifest as increased blood pressure, heart palpitations, and increased cholesterol. Quite rarely, there is a reaction of suppressing the production of its own testosterone, in which hair loss can occur. If the dosage is significantly exceeded, there may be a risk of cardiovascular diseases and general intoxication of the body.

Consumer reviews
Most athletes who have used this steroid note its ease of use and the gentle effect. Winstrol is especially appreciated by professional female athletes – they claim that with a limited dosage, side effects are almost impossible.

Reviews of the drug among athletes and bodybuilders make it clear about the effectiveness of the steroid in building muscles. By all accounts, Winstrol is one of the safest and most effective drugs around.

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