Raw Powders

Showing 1–12 of 38 results

Showing 1–12 of 38 results

Assemble the following items. These are the only items you will need to produce any finished steroid product.
Carrier Oil
Syringe(Any size)
Benzyl Benzoate(BB)
Benzyl Alcohol(BA)
Sterile Glass Vial(Any size)
High Quality Steroid PowderSterile Syringe filter.22um Digital scales measuring to 0.01g

Notes: The syringe is used to push the unfiltered steroid mixture through the syringe filter. Select the size of the syringe depending on h ow much you intend to create. This syringe can be rinsed and reused for future batches.
2. Select the recipe from our recipes page. Create your own with our steroid calculator and scale the recipe up or down depending on the weight of powder you are using. For example if the recipe is for 10g and you have only 5g of powder, you need to halve all the values
. The recipe is simply the lowest amount of solvents(BA/BB) required to keep the powders dissolved-
2% BA and 20% BB you will find can hold almost all compounds in their normal mg/ml variations. Stronger solvents like Ethyl Oleate are often used by steroid labs to make high mg/ml products or with products that tend to be more painful. In this example we will be using th e following Trenbolone Acetate Recipe: Tren Acetate 100mg/ml@50ml
5g Tren Acetate powder
1ml BA
10ml BB
35ml Grape seed oil


Weigh the steroid powder into the glass beaker as shown above, add the Benzyl Alcohol and Benzyl Benzoate.
AQ}[email protected]

The solvents will begin immediately dissolving the powder but in order to speed the process up it is possible to use a water bath. Pace the vial into a few cm of water in a pan or something similar: it is important not to use water that is too hot because this willc ause some products to oxidize-
150f is a good temperature to use, alternatively boiled water from the kettle. The carrier oil should be the same temperature as the soluti on when it is added so if you warm the solution in a water bath you should also the same to the carrier oil. The objective at this point is si mply to fully dissolved the powder into the solvents. There should be no “Hormone swirls”or any visible powder remaining in the solutio n and once this is achieved move on to the next step.

Add the warmed grape seed oil to the solution, this case 35ml must be added. Mix thoroughly again, there should be no hormo ne swirls-once this occurs remove immediately from the water bath and move on to the filtering process.H37%~29R~Q$G@2J4OH8[W6D.png
Above: The steroid powder is fully dissolved in the solvents, the carrier oil is added and the product is ready to be filtered.
6. Draw up the solutions into the syringe you will be filtering with, this can be a single large syringe or this can be repeated m ultiple times with a smaller syringe. Remove the 0.22um sterile syringe filter from it’s packing and fix the green needle to the smaller side and then apply to the syringe. Wipe the top of the sterile vial with an Alcohol swab and insert the green needle in it, put the needle at tached to the syringe filter into the vial as shown below:


Notes: The second needle equalizes the pressure as the solution enters the vial. Apply pressure to the syringe plunger to the filter the mi xture. This is the most important part of this entire process as it is what sterilizes your product. All finished steroids from any steroid lab must go through this very process. Occasionally one may find that the filter gets blocked or that the process slows drastically-
it is acceptable to replace the filter with a new one if this occurs to save time. The time it takes to filter steroids depends on which steroid is being filtered and how much is being filtere, as well as the mg/ml of the product. Once the product is filtered in the sterile vial the proc ess is complete.


The entire process above has taken roughly 40 minutes and has required zero skill.In this example 50ml of Trenbolone Acetate with a str eet value of roughly $747 was produced with a total production cost of roughly $100-an exceptional profit /saving margin.