Anavar (Oxandrolon, Oxandrolone)

HEPIUS Generic China


Anavar (Oxandrolone) is a favorite drug of dieting bodybuilders and competitive athletes in speed/anaerobic performance sports. It provides pure tissue gains – without fat or water retention.

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Anavar is beneficial for the following:

  • Helps get rid of body fat due to an increase in your metabolic rate.
  • Strength gains
  • Boost cardio endurance.
  • Fat burning
  • Muscle Hardening
  • Vascularity
  • Lean muscle mass gains
  • Increase your red cell count.
  • Increase nitrogen retention in your muscle.
  • Enhance muscle hardness.
  • Diminish muscle fatigue.

Anavar for Muscle Hardening

Anavar hardens the muscles with the help of the various androgen which makes it great for fat loss and weight loss as well, hence why so many athletes use Anavar for cutting cycles as it makes your body more favourable for fat reductions with those androgen.

Effective Dosages

The usual dosage for physique- or performance-enhancing purposes is in the range of 15-25 milligrams per day (men). This is taken for six to eight weeks in order to minimize hepatic strain. For women, a daily dosage of five to 10 milligrams is usually applied. This is usually taken for no longer than four to six weeks to reduce the chance for virilization.

Anavar for side effects

Anavar is one of the mildest steroids when it comes to side effects yet it doesn’t come with 0 sides some may encounter loss of libido , diarrhea, cloud thoughts, dizziness, acne and headaches, oily skin, delayed period while on Anavar is almost unavoidable, clitoris sensitivity, but since it’s 17 alpha alkylated steroid it might lead to hepato toxicity, depending on how your body reacts to it the dosage and length of your cycle, continue reading as I will add the best Anavar cycle dosage for cutting and bulking for men and women.

Anavar delaying period in women

Anavar and period as it’s widely used by women I wanted to add this topic as header because almost any women that was on Anavar had delayed or missed period and scared her man into thinking she’s preggy.

While you’re Anavar expect either delayed period by few days or completely missing your period until your cycle is over also possible shorter period while you’re still on cycle the good news is as soon as you stop your period will come back to almost normal but not to pre-cycle normal as that might takes a month or two to get back to your normal dates.

Anavar cycle dosage for women

Anavar cycle dosage for cutting cycle in women
10 MG a day of Anavar over a period of 6 to 8 weeks is more than enough for women to lean and conserve their muscles on caloric deficit diet for cutting.

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