HCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin)

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Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) is   “the pregnancy hormone” which is used to get pregnant or maintain pregnancy. It is also used to treat hypogonadism in men and as a part of PCT to increase the testosterone levels.

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Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) is considered “a pregnancy hormone” because of its important role in maintaining pregnancy. Female body starts to produce it immediately after fertilization and its production increases in thousands times (!) by the 7th week of pregnancy.  However, Gonadotropin is important not only for women and fetus developement, but for men as well.

Buy HCG USA. Among the benefits of HCG, athletes are primarily interested in anabolic and prophylactic properties. HCG enhances the synthesis of testosterone, and most importantly, it stimulates the activity of testicles and prevents their atrophy. If you take steroids for bodybuilding, the use of HCG  will help to control the concentration of male hormone in the body and maintain proper testicular function. You can buy Gonadotropin in our online store cryptopharma.store

Gonadotropin in bodybuilding

This hormone is widely used in strength sports. Its application solves four main tasks:

  • supports the necessary anabolic activity for muscle growth;
  • weight loss while maintaining the entire mass gained;
  • prevention of testicular atrophy when taking steroids;
  • postoperative therapy to restore the functions of reproductive glands in men.

It should be mentioned that the hormone has a luteinizing effect on the female body – it contributes to the correct formation of the corpus luteum in the ovaries.

Dosage of HCG. Buy HCG USA online

Taking into account specific goals, the dosage of gonadotropin is prescribed individually. If you strictly follow the recommended doses, HCG can eliminate the side  effects of taking steroids. It is a safe medication that controls endogenous testosterone synthesis, naturally increasing anabolic activity.

Gonadotropin for weight loss

A controversial use of this hormone is in addition to the low-calorie diet developed by British endocrinologist Simeons. This technique will allow you to burn fat while on very low calorie diet without losing muscle tissue. However, the scientific community believes that using HCG for weight loss is not effective.

HCG in combo with anabolic steroids

Nowadays HCG is gaining popularity being used in combo with multiple cycles of AAS.

In men, hCG mimics luteinizing hormone and helps to restore and maintain natural testosterone production. Because of this, hCG is commonly used during and after steroid cycles to maintain and restore testicular size, as well as endogenous testosterone production. However, if Gonadotropin is used for too long and at too high dosage (with a consequent increase in natural testosterone), it will eventually inhibit endogenous testosterone production through negative feedback from HPTA.

Here are examples of HCG usage

1)HCG during the cycle → 250 IU every 4-5 days

2) HCG in post-cycle therapy:

– 1500-4000 IU every 3-4 days for 2-3 weeks.

– 500-1000 IU daily for 10 days.

3) to stimulate the ovaries (fertility assistance), hCG is administered at a certain point during the menstrual cycle at a dose of 5,000-10,000 IU.


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5 vials x 5000 IU Total 25000 IU


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