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Long arginine 3-IGF-1, abbreviated as IGF-1 LR3 or LR3-IGF-1, is a synthetic protein and lengthened analogue of human insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1). It differs from native IGF-1 in that it possesses an arginine instead of a glutamic acid at the third position in its amino acid sequence (“arginine 3”), and also has an additional 13 amino acids at its N-terminus (MFPAMPLLSLFVN) (“long”), for a total of 83 amino acids (relative to the 70 of IGF-1)

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IGF-1 is polypeptide long-chain amino acid peptide hormone. Insulin-like Growth Factor (Long-R3 IGF-1), an 83 amino acid analog of IGF-1 is a highly anabolic hormone released primarily in the liver with the stimulus of growth hormone (HGH).

IGF-1 is a peptide molecule and is about the same size and structure as insulin. IGF hormone analogs are known as growth factor polypeptide hormones. In the body, IGF-1 is released in the presence of Human Growth Hormone and functions to promote nitrogen retention and increases in protein synthesis. Growth peptides cause a direct effect on muscles in the body by actual development of fresh muscle fibers and cells.

Many believe in the value of using IGF to promote muscle building. It is thought that it anything it does not cause the loss of muscle. It is often used in addition to other therapy by bodybuilders to enhance exercise potential and improve physique.


FDA-approved HGH can be legally prescribed for a limited number of conditions including:
• Hormone deficiency that causes short stature in children;
• Long-term treatment of growth failure due to lack of exogenous GH secretion;
• Adult growth deficiency
• Long-term treatment of short stature associated with Turner Syndrome;
• Adult short bowel syndrome;
• Adult deficiency due to rare pituitary tumors or their treatment; and
• Muscle-wasting disease associated with HIV/AIDS.


The most important feature of IGF-1 is its ability to cause hyperplasia in the human body. The body of a person who is on steroids goes through hypertrophy, this means that they will only be increasing the size of the existing cells in their muscles. On the other hand, IGF-1 leads to hyperplasia which purports the growth and development of new cells in the muscles. Generally, you will accomplish much more in terms of muscle density and size at a normal genetic level.

In other words, the weight gain that you will experience from the use of IGF-1 is not due to retention of water. The weight gain is caused by actual muscle growth and is a long term effect. As compared to steroids which can cause water retention and adverse side effects the weight gain from Insulin-like Growth Factors is from solid muscle gain.


  • Muscle hypertrophy effects
  • Conserves muscle in heifers
  • Increase lean muscle mass
  • Improve athletic performance
  • Improve muscle recovery after workouts
  • Reduce recovery time after injuries
  • Boost muscle protein synthesis
  • Reduce Body Fat
  • Facilitates protein synthesis in the body.
  • Regulates the storage of fat and channels it to be used for the production of energy.
  • Increases metabolism
  • Increases the regenerative properties of the body’s nerve tissues.
  • Upregulates anti-oxidant benefit and ligament strength


Growth hormone therapy will require the physician (or your own local physician) will need to monitor your cholesterol levels, blood glucose levels, and bone density periodically while you’re on growth hormone injections to make sure they’re at healthy levels.

Taking growth hormone can impact how the body responds to insulin which controls blood glucose levels. Untreated growth hormone deficiency can lead to high cholesterol and osteoporosis. Although growth hormone injections are relatively safe and effective, there are a few side effects. Fortunately, serious side effects are rare.

Swelling, numbness, and joint and muscle aches and pains are the most common side effects. You may experience these side effects if you’re getting more growth hormone than you need.

If you have these symptoms, talk to the physician immediately to adjust the amount of growth hormone you are taking.

Some possible side effects with IGF-1/LR3 could be:

  • Joint pain
  • Muscle pain
  • Headaches
  • Nausea
  • Hypoglycemia
  • May be associated with an increased risk of developing a number of common cancers, including lung, breast,  colorectal, and prostate


  • Anyone without a growth hormone deficiency
  • Any history of tumors, cancer
  • Any severe illness of any kind
  • Any history of multiple trauma
  • Any hisotry of severe breathing problems
  • Any previous problems with taking growth hormone


Compounding pharmacy in the USA produce and sell in a few different strengths. Typically it is supplied in 1000 mcg per 2 ml vial.

Dosage suggestion from studies agree to inject 20-50 mcg SQ/IM daily for a max of 6-7 weeks. Desensitization can and does occur around 6 weeks after initial time of use. It is recommended to take 20-40 days off prior to starting another course of IGF1/LR3 again .

Some physicians suggest consuming protein with a blend of simple & complex carbohydrates 15-20 minutes prior to administering IGF-1/ LR

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