Nandrolone Decanoate (ND-300, ND-200, Deca Durabolin)

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Nandrolone Decanoate is popular bodybuilding steroid. As a medicinal drug it is used for treatment of osteoporosis, muscle wastage and wound healing.

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Deca Durabolin is a brand name for the injectable steroid Nandrolone.

Although it’s an incredibly popular bodybuilding steroid, Deca Durabolin was not created for use in this way. It’s a medicinal drug intended to be used as a treatment for osteoporosis and to prevent bone loss and muscle wastage.

Like any other drug, Deca Durabolin can cause a lot of nasty side effects and should never be used without a doctor’s supervision. Using it for bodybuilding purposes is steroid abuse. It’s also illegal and dangerous.

On a molecular level, Deca Durabolin is almost identical to testosterone. The only difference is it lacks one carbon atom at the 19th position.

This slight difference makes Deca Durabolin weaker than testosterone and reduces the chance of premature balding and certain other side effects. However, the steroid still has side effects including the infamous “Deca Dick”.

This form of steroid-induced erectile dysfunction is no laughing matter. It can stick around for a long time.

Men who use the Deca Durabolin steroid sometimes end up waving goodbye to their sex life for up to a year.

However, regardless of the risks its use presents and the fact that it has to be delivered via painful intramuscular injections, Deca Durabolin continues to be a popular bulking steroid.
Deca Durabolin bodybuilding

Two of the most important things Deca Durabolin does are increase nitrogen retention and support improved protein synthesis.

Protein synthesis is the all-important repair process that heals your muscles and makes them grow. However, healthy protein synthesis only occurs in a nitrogen-rich environment.

The problem is, your muscles lose nitrogen during exercise.

By boosting nitrogen retention and protein synthesis in the way that it does, the steroid makes sure your muscles have everything they need to grow.

Additionally, Deca Durabolin boosts red blood cell production. The red blood cells carry oxygen around the body. By increasing their numbers, the steroid improves oxygen flow to the muscles. This allows you to work out harder and longer. It also speeds up recovery times.

There’s also one more additional benefit and it’s one that’s unique to this particular steroid—it increases collagen synthesis. This provides extra strength to the tendons and ligaments.

In so doing, the steroid helps ease the joint and tendon pain that holds some people back during their workouts.
Bodybuilder man
How to Use Deca Durabolin

Deca Durabolin is a bulking steroid. It’s most useful for providing rapid increases in muscle size and strength. It has to be injected into the muscle tissue one time per week.

Some bodybuilders recommend a dose of 600 mg per week and do a 12-week cycle. This dose is much too high and gives you a damn good chance of getting ED.

A dose of 300-400 mg per week works well for a lot of people. The lower dose also permits a longer cycle.

However, a better idea is to take 2 mg of the steroid for each pound of lean body weight, but that means doing some math.

Women who use this steroid don’t need nearly as much as men. In general, they should be looking at a dose of 50 mg per week or less.

However, the best way approach with this steroid is not to use it at all. This isn’t the 60s. There are safer and better options available.
Deca Durabolin Side Effects

Deca Durabolin has a reputation of being one of the milder anabolic steroids. That in no ways makes it a wise or safe option to use. It still has the potential to cause a lot of nasty side effects.

Apart from robbing men of their ability to get an erection, it can make women who use it develop very masculine traits. Increases in body hair and deepening of the voice are just two problems women may face. Deca Durabolin also causes some women to develop a clitoris that’s so swollen it resembles a miniature penis.

Other Deca Durabolin side effects include:

Fluid retention
High blood pressure
Undesirable changes in blood lipids
Abnormal liver function
Changes in liver anatomy and/or tumors
Growth of man boobs
Abnormal blood tests
Heart problems

Using this steroid also reduces normal testosterone production by around 70 percent. So if you think you can use it without doing a post cycle therapy you need to think again. Your body will need a lot of support until it can start producing sufficient testosterone again.

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1 vial 10 ml 300mg/ml Total 3000 mg, 1 vial 10ml 200mg/ml Total 2000 mg



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