T3 (Cytomel, Liothyronine)

Baboon-Pharma Generic China


T3 (triiodothyronine) is a thyroid used to treat Hypothyroidism and for weightloss

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The thyroid gland is located towards the base of the neck and influences a wide variety of bodily processes including brain development, heart function, and digestive function.

It produces the biologically active hormones T3 and T4 which play a major role in regulating metabolism.

T4 (thyroxine) is produced in higher amounts than T3 (triiodothyronine) and functions as a T3 precursor.

Around 40% of T4 in the body is converted into T3 through the process of removing an iodine group from its outer ring (deiodination).

Once converted, the body’s cells use T3 towards delivering oxygen and generating energy within various tissues and glands within the body.

The thyroid gland generates 20% of the body’s total T3 whereas the remaining 80% is created outside of the thyroid gland in other tissues.

Most people secrete between 10-22 mcg T3 and 94-110 mcg T4 each day.

Hypothyroidism vs Hyperthyroidism

Some individuals may be affected by thyroid conditions including hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism.

In most cases, these conditions are caused by autoimmune diseases but they may also be heavily influenced by dietary deficiencies, surgeries, or the use of certain medications.

Hypothyroidism is a condition where the thyroid is underactive and does not produce adequate amounts of thyroid hormones.

Most individuals tested for hypothyroidism will display low levels of free T3 and free T4 while their TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone) levels are high or test outside of the optimal reference range.

In contrast, hyperthyroidism is a condition where the thyroid is overactive and produces excessive amounts of T4 (thyroxine).

Individuals who test for hyperthyroidism typically have extremely low levels of TSH while their free T3 and free T4 levels are elevated.

T3 for Bodybuilding

Those who are affected by one of the above thyroid conditions will generally need to take medication to obtain proper thyroid function.

Individuals with hypothyroidism will usually take Synthroid (synthetic T4), Cytomel (synthetic T3), or combination thyroid medication that contains both synthetic T3 and T4.

Synthroid, or Levothyroxine, is prescribed by most doctors for the treatment of hypothyroidism as it provides a more mild approach and tends to result in fewer side effects.

However, Cytomel, or Liothyronine, may also be prescribed for hypothyroidism and provides a more aggressive form of treatment.

Some doctors and medical experts tend to shy away from the use of Cytomel as T3 is absorbed rapidly and may lead to mild thyroid hormone toxicity in certain patients.

On the other hand, the use of combination thyroid medication has been on the rise within the last few years and is viewed by many medical experts as a promising solution for thyroid hormone management.

Doctors within North America have noticed an increase in patient dissatisfaction with the use of monotherapy (i.e. synthetic levothyroxine only) and nearly 1/3 of physicians within the US provide treatment in the form of combined T3:T4 therapy.

In fact, a recent study showed that 23 patients who switched to the use of combination therapy over monotherapy displayed major improvements in quality of life and cognitive function.

Cytomel Weight Loss

Due to the more aggressive nature of Cytomel compared to Synthroid, many bodybuilders have used it as a tool for rapid weight loss in order to enhance their performance, make weight, or shed necessary body fat to obtain their desired physique.

Individuals who are not affected by hypothyroidism may obtain synthetic T3 on either the black market or by purchasing it from websites that sell research compounds, such as peptides, SARMs, and the like.

These athletes may choose to purchase T3 in Cytomel form or they may find it in a generic liquid, capsule, or tablet form.

T3 Dosage Bodybuilding

Athletes typically run anywhere from 25-50 mcg on average over the course of 8 weeks to enhance fat loss.

If using a tablet or liquid form, competitors will generally start their dosage at 12.5mcg and then gradually increase their daily dosage by 12.5mcg every 3 days until they reach 50mcg.

They will continue to run 50mcg through the end of their contest, however, some coaches may slowly lower their clients’ dosage a few weeks prior to competition in order to reduce the loss of lean mass or prevent muscles from flattening out the day of the show.

After the completion of their contest, most competitors will use the same protocol for tapering off and drop their daily dosage by 12.5 mcg every 3 days and run the final 3 days of their T3 cycle at 12.5mcg total.

Those who opt for capsule form may choose to run 25mcg for the entire duration or they may follow a similar tapering method depending on each capsule’s concentration.

In most cases, capsules are extremely hard to dose properly, especially if they contain higher amounts of T3, such as 50mcg per capsule.

You won’t see most bodybuilders or fitness models purchasing Synthroid or generic T4 to enhance their physique as T3 is nearly 5x more potent than T4 and under normal conditions, the body only converts up to 40% of T4 into T3.

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